Despite its controversial reception due to its graphic content and historical inaccuracies, CALIGULA remains a provocative exploration of the depths of human corruption and the consequences of absolute power. With a stellar cast including Malcolm McDowell, Helen Mirren, and Peter O'Toole, the film remains a cult classic for its audacious portrayal of ancient Rome's darkest moments. Watch all five cuts, including a 4K HDR remastered version lovingly put together by producer Thomas Negovan using previously unused footage.
Released in 1980 after years of delay, CALIGULA remains notoriously famous for its nightmarish filming, budget-blowing delays and artistic differences, resulting in a hybridised yet still scandalously violent and erotic film. More than forty years later, you can now watch the painstakingly restored cut with previously unreleased scenes. CALIGULA delves into the debauched reign of the Roman emperor Gaius Caligula, infamous for his tyranny and extravagance. Produced by Bob Guccione of Penthouse Magazine, the film offers a lurid depiction of Caligula's descent into madness, exploring – through historical drama and explicit erotica - his incestuous relationships, sadistic tendencies, and megalomaniacal desires for power.
2 Blu-ray Discs Extras
NEW! Post-screening Q&A with Malcolm McDowell and Thomas Negovan at Fantastic Film Festival 2023NEW! Q&A with Malcolm McDowell and Thomas Negovan at Fantastic Film Festival 2023