In 1974, Stephen King published his first novel, the story of Carrie White, a troubled young girl, bullied by her peers and daughter to a fanatical fundamentalist mother, who discovers she has telekinetic powers. In 1976, it became the first of his works to be adapted for the big screen and, to this day, remains one of the very best.
Carrie marked Brian De Palma's arrival as a major director, following smaller cult films such as Sisters, Phantom of the Paradise and Obsession, and provided a key early role for Sissy Spacek (Badlands), one that would earn her a Best Actress nomination* at the Academy Awards®. Piper Laurie would also pick up a nomination*, as Carrie's mother, while future stars such as Amy Irving, John Travolta and Nancy Allen were give their first major parts in a big-screen production.
Restored in 4K from the original negative, this Ultra HD Blu-ray edition provides the definitive release of a horror classic.
*1976: Actress (Sissy Spacek), Actress in a Supporting Role (Piper Laurie)