In an ancient land, young Conan witnesses his family being slaughtered by an evil snake cult ransacking his village. Raised as a slave, the adult Conan (Schwarzenegger) rises up through the fighting pits, becoming an unparalleled and fearsome warrior. Unexpectedly freed, Conan and his companions – two fighters, Subotai (Gerry Lopez) and Valeria (Sandahl Bergman), as well as a Wizard (Mako) – are enlisted by King Osric (Max von Sydow) to free his daughter from the hypnotic clutches of the same cult that murdered Conan’s family long ago, led by the shape-shifting sorcerer Thulsa Doom (James Earl Jones).
Praise Crom! At long last, Milius’ glorious ode to the days of high adventure (co-written by Oliver Stone) has been restored in stunning 4K with hours of bonus features and a heart-racing Atmos remix that immerses you in the action, accompanied throughout by an electrifying, career-best score by the late Basil Poledouris (RoboCop). If you do not listen… then to hell with you!
• 4K (2160p) Ultra HD Blu-ray presentations in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible) of three versions of the film via seamless branching: the Theatrical Cut (127 mins), the International Cut (129 mins) and the Extended Cut (130 mins) all restored in 4K from the original negative by Arrow Films
• Restored original mono audio and remixed Dolby Atmos surround audio on all three cuts
• Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard-of-hearing on all three cuts
• Archive feature commentary by director John Milius and star Arnold Schwarzenegger (Extended Cut only)
• Feature commentary by genre historian Paul M. Sammon, author of Conan: The Phenomenon (Extended Cut only)
• Isolated score track in lossless stereo (Extended Cut only)
• Conan Unchained: The Making of Conan, an archive documentary from 2000 featuring interviews with Schwarzenegger, Milius, Stone, Jones, Lopez, Bergman, Poledouris and several others
• Designing Conan, an interview with production artist William Stout
• Costuming Conan, an interview with costume designer John Bloomfield
• Barbaric Effects, an interview with special effects crew members Colin Arthur and Ron Hone
• Young Conan, an interview with actor Jorge Sanz
• Conan & The Priest, an interview with actor Jack Taylor
• Cutting the Barbarian, an interview with assistant editor Peck Prior
• Crafting Conan’s Magic, an interview with visual effects crew members Peter Kuran and Katherine Kean
• Barbarians and Northmen, an interview with filmmaker Robert Eggers on the film’s influence on The Northman
• Behind the Barbarian, an interview with John Walsh, author of Conan the Barbarian: The Official History of the Film
• A Line in the Sand, an interview with Alfio Leotta, author of The Cinema of John Milius
• Conan: The Rise of a Fantasy Legend, an archive featurette on the film’s literary and comic book roots
• Art of Steel: Sword Makers & Masters, an archive interview with sword master Kiyoshi Yamasaki
• Conan: From the Vault, an archive compilation of on-set cast and crew interviews
• A Tribute to Basil Poledouris, a series of videos produced by the Úbeda Film Music Festival, including video of Poledouris conducting a concert of music from the film in 2006 (remixed in 5.1 surround) and interviews with collaborators such as Paul Verhoeven and Randal Kleiser
• Rarely-seen electronic press kit from 1982, featuring over half an hour of on-set footage and cast and crew interviews (from a watermarked tape source)
• Outtakes, including a deleted cameo by Milius
• Split-screen “Valeria Battles Spirits” visual effects comparison
• Conan: The Archives, a gallery of photos and production images from 2000
• Conan the Barbarian: The Musical, an affectionate comic tribute to the film by Jon & Al Kaplan
• US and International teaser and theatrical trailers
• Image gallery