During the Vietnam War, a special unit of Army Rangers is sent to rescue a small group of fellow soldiers being held as prisoners of war. After freeing the men, their next step is to reach a safe zone in order to be airlifted to safety. However, their plans change when a mysterious Captain Newport gives the men a new mission: find a downed helicopter in order to retrieve the classified information contained within. Facing enemy soldiers and navigating their way through the booby trap riddled jungle, the men reach the helicopter only to discover that it is actually filled with missing gold. Now, the men must fight for survival and try to avoid turning on each other as they attempt to make their way out of Cambodia in order to escape with their lives...and the gold.
Written and Directed by Italian genre filmmaker Romano Scavolini (A White Dress for Marialé, Nightmare), DOG TAGS is a brutally violent and bleak war movie mixed with elements of a heist film. Released in America by known exploitation producer Arthur Schweitzer (Evil Laugh, New York Ninja), the film was released in several different edited versions throughout the years. Vinegar Syndrome Archive is proud to present the never-before-seen uncut original English language version of DOG TAGS for the first time on Blu-ray, newly restored in 4k from the original Interpositive film elements and presented in its true cinemascope aspect ratio.
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