FREAKS COME OUT AT NIGHT VOL. 4 ***March 15th***
Synopsis: Shoot first die later: Desperately sought after and never before released worldwide Rarovideo is proud to be releasing the tough, exciting, dramatically potent, well acted and action packed film, Shoot first, Die Later which is known as one of the most impressive Italian crime/police movies ever made. Luc Merenda gives the performance of his career as a highly regarded police detective who is taking syndicate money in exchange for departmental favors. His father, a simple man, also works for the department but on a lower rung; he isn’t jealous of his son, but rather proud of him, little knowing that he’s a crooked cop. A series of events leads the young detective to ask his father for a favor (he wants a certain police report that is desired by the syndicate) and it doesn’t take long for the detective’s father to realize his son is on the take… which leads to numerous complications..
Kidnap syndicate: Colella is a hard working but struggling mechanic who raises his son Fabrizio after his wife passed away. Fabrizio is friends with Antonio, son of the extremely rich but incredibly repugnant businessman Filippini. When criminals kidnap Antonio in front of school, the brave Fabrizio tries to prevent this and the nervous kidnappers pull him into the car as well. They demand a huge ransom for the boys, but the pigheaded Filippini refuses to give in to criminals and put the lives of the boys at stake, whilst Colella and even the police commissioner can’t do anything. Colella goes after them, but soon stumbles upon a very complex and well-protected network.
Naked Violence A devastating, brutal, raw example of Di Leo’s early works, Naked violence is about how a teacher of an evening school for youngsters with social problems is brutally raped and murdered right in her classroom. The only suspects are the kids and the police are surprised to find them all quietly in their homes instead of having escaped. There is a reason. Each kid declares that he did not participate in the brutality but was forced to watch. The police officer Lamberti has reasons to believe that someone, an adult, has orchestrated the kids whose name they are too afraid to mention.
Special Features
New HD Transfer from original 35 mm negative print/Digitally restored / Original trailer
New and improved English subtitle translation
A fully illustrated booklet
(Il Poliziotto e’ Marcio)
Running time: 95 min Extras running time: 48 min
Documentary/The Master of the Game(Il Padrone del Gioco)
Documentary/The Second Round of the Game(La seconda mano del gioco)
-Original trailer
(I Ragazzi del Massacro)
Running time: 99 min Extras running time: 34 min
Documentary/Goodfellas(Quei Bravi Ragazzi)
Documentary/Fernando di Leo at the Cinematheque Francaise (Fernando di Leo alla Cinematheque Francaise)
(La Citta’ Sconvolta Caccia Spietata ai Rapitori)
Running time: 98 min Extras running time: 29 min
Documentary/Violent cities: the other Fernando di Leo’s trilogy (Città violente: l’altra trilogia di Fernando di Leo)