Jackie is having bad luck with her life in Hong Kong so she travels to Thailand, believing that a change of scenery will do her well. Shortly after arriving, she learns from a mystic known as the "God of Gold" that if she agrees to “nurse” a ghost child, her fortunes will change for the better. Deciding that anything is worth trying, she sets up the required altar and begins to feed the ghost drops of her own blood. The protective young spirit helps turn her life around, but when she becomes distracted by a new boyfriend and forgets to feed the ghost, all hell breaks loose, leading the ghost to fight off an academic studying the occult and posses Jackie’s boyfriend, thus setting into effect an increasingly violent chain reaction.
In the grand tradition of Hong Kong black magic movies, director Wilson Tong’s GHOST NURSING gleefully indulges in all of the genre’s most beloved tropes: women in supernatural distress, rampaging ghosts, mystical black magic rituals, bodily possession, Taoist sorcerer monks, a botched exorcism and, of course, plentiful graphic and gruesome horror replete with squirming bugs, scalp mutilation, and gushing bodily fluids. Starring Norman Chu (36th Chamber of Shaolin), Shirley Yim (Dragon Lord), Melvin Wong (Righting Wrongs), and Billy Chan (The Big Boss), Vinegar Syndrome proudly presents a brand new restoration of this stylish and underseen piece of proto Category III on Blu-ray for the first time!
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