In the time-warp tradition of Iceman comes Ghost Warrior, an inventive fantasy-adventure from cult-movie king Charles Band (Parasite). Suddenly awake after 400 years of frozen sleep, a valiant samurai warrior struggles to survive the harsh challenges of modern-day Los Angeles. This action-packed tale is the thrilling saga of Yoshi (Hiroshi Fujioka, High Seas Hijack, In the Line of Duty III), a master of Japan’s 16th-century fighting arts who is accidentally frozen in time and miraculously revived in the 1980s. On the run from the institute that ended his sleep of centuries, Yoshi must pit his ancient skills and power against the forces of a violent and confusing world. He has vanquished enemies from a distant time—but can he prevail on the streets of the future? Also known as Swordkill, Ghost Warrior co-stars the wonderful Janet Julian (King of New York).
-DIE BY THE SWORD: NEW Interview with Special Makeup Effects Artist Robert Short
-Audio Commentary by Action Film Historians Brandon Bentley and Mike Leeder
-Theatrical Trailer
-Optional English Subtitles