Satanik is a Spanish-Italian co-production that tells a story about Dr. Marnie Bannister, a scientist horrifically scarred from her past. In a lab in Madrid where she works, a colleague has successfully created a substance able to regenerate cells. However, the animals he experiments on become aggressive and dangerous. Dr. Bannister wants to be the guinea pig in the trial, but they refuse her. Therefore, she kills for the substance, takes it, and transforms into a beautiful young woman… and also a vicious killer who will go to great lengths to keep her secret.
Terror Vision is thrilled to give Satanik its first ever legitimate US home video release with a new 2k transfer of the original 35mm camera negative. Complete with a new color grade, restoration, and new and archival extras all celebrating this oddity!
Special Features:
English Dub of Satanik
Commentary with Eugenio Ercolani, Troy Howorth, and Nathanial Thompson
Interview w/ Piero Vivarelli
Interview w/ Patrizia Rosso
Visual Essay: Black Fumetti by Eugenio Ercolani
Visual Essay: Layer By Layer by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas
Complete Original Soundtrack
Newly Created Subtitles
Commentary with Eugenio Ercolani, Troy Howorth, and Nathanial Thompson
Interview w/ Piero Vivarelli
Interview w/ Patrizia Rosso
Visual Essay: Black Fumetti by Eugenio Ercolani
Visual Essay: Layer By Layer by Alexandra Heller-Nicholas
Complete Original Soundtrack
Newly Created Subtitles