Set in North Africa and Europe immediately following World War II, The Hell with Heroes centers on two former U.S. Air Force pilots played by Rod Taylor (The High Commissioner) and Pete Duel (Cannon for Cordoba). Brynie MacKay (Taylor) and Mike Brewer (Duel) are forced to work for ruthless international smuggler Lee Harris (Harry Guardino, Madigan) to get money needed for their return to civilian life. But when Brynie learns he is flying contraband cigarettes, he extracts a larger fee from Harris, who retaliates by hiding narcotics in Brynie’s plane and then reporting him to Colonel Wilson of U.S. Counterintelligence (Kevin McCarthy, Invasion of the Body Snatchers). With Brynie’s aircraft and money now seized, the beautiful Elena (Claudia Cardinale, Cartouche), Harris’s mistress, comes to Brynie’s aid. Featuring a lush score by music legend Quincy Jones (In the Heat of the Night), this post-WWII drama is shot through with action, adventure and romance, courtesy of director Joseph Sargent (White Lightning, The Taking of Pelham One Two Three, MacArthur).