Based on the novel by Jaws author Peter Benchley, this gruesome, action packed, high seas thriller sees Michael Caine as Blair Maynard, an investigative writer working to uncover the mysterious disappearance of boats and their passengers in the Caribbean. During his investigation, he and his son are captured by a community of raiding pirates led by Nau (David Warner – Time After Time). While they are kept alive to preserve the pirates’ genetic bloodline, Blair’s son is converted to their way of life and Blair himself must fight back and come to the rescue to free them both from the pirates’ barbaric stronghold.
Making its UK Blu-ray debut, Treasured Films is proud to present this outrageous, bloodthirsty hybrid of action and horror from director Michael Ritchie (Fletch) and author/ screenwriter Peter Benchley (The Deep) as a much-treasured special edition!
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