FREAKS COME OUT AT NIGHT VOL. 4 ***March 15th***
Gothic horror and lucha libre collide in The Panther Women (Las mujeres panteras), which showcases a host of Mexico’s top female stars, including Elizabeth Campbell, Ariadne Welter, and Yolanda Montes aka Tongolele.
The Panther Women are a witch cult who resurrect their leader by sacrificing the descendants of the family which murdered him. As the cult seeks to kill the youngest descendent, they are taken on by fearless luchadoras Loreta Venus (Welter) and the Golden Rubí (Campbell).
Directed by René Cardona (Night of the Bloody Apes), scripted by Alfredo Salazar (The Bat Woman), and produced by Guillermo Calderón (Santo vs. the Riders of Terror), The Panther Women is an action-packed and influential classic of the cine de luchadoras.